Parking Areas / Driveway

Additional Parking Area

Adjoining numbers required off-road parking.

Once all soil was removed it uncovered water/gas pipes, which had to be altered.

Substantial hard-core was laid to quire a solid base for the road brick.

New walls and boundary walls were built using 6″ block and rendered smooth.


Parking Area

Removing several tons of top soil, Exposing water main

New Aco drain at front.Several tons of 803 hardcore used to give a firm base for new concrete slab.

4 cubic metres of concrete ready to be poured.

The finished slabbed area. 6″ block walls being laidCountry buff stone brick soldiers laid on top of wall then two render coats.

The finished job.Render top coat has been left with a rough cast effect so as to blend in with the cottage walls.

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