Chimney Work - Demolition

This 13 foot chimney had to come down asap due to the cement between the bricks had weakened to a state where it had turned to powder.

As I was taking the chimney pots off the whole chimney stack was swaying.

The top section of chimney had been replaced before as the cement was very strong between the bricks, but as we got down below that we could literally remove the bricks by hand.

We took the chimney to below roof level so that the chimney could still breathe.




Previous Numerous Repairs

This chimney had numerous repairs in the past,with a final coat of bitumen paint.But it was still letting in the water.

Bricks have lost their water proofing and need to be replaced or took down for good.

Customer wanted the chimney saved so the only way forward was to dig out all the soft pointing.

Remove all the bitumen paint.

Repoint the beds and apply stainless steel eml (expanded metal lath).

Apply 2 coats of water proof render and the chimney was finished nicely



Complete Chimney Removal

After removing the chimney pot and brick chimney to below roof height, we had to replace the missing roof area. (It was a very tight squeeze.)

Working our way down to the bedrooms revealed a large void between both bedroom partition walls.

The final fireplace was bomb proof. So much so I had to hire a much more powerful Kango to break up the block work.

Completed the job with infill plasterboard and plaster ceiling.


Chimney Removal, Redruth


Repoint Chimney, Lanner


Replace Chimney Pots, Camborne


Refurb Chimney, Replace Chimney Pots, Beacon


Remove Chimney, Replace Chimney Pots


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